The Guild's fiscal year is drawing to a close and will end on August 31. If you have benefited, as I have, from the Guild in any way during the past year, now is an ideal time to give back. We are very close to making our budgeted income projections, which will enable the AGO's plans to move forward and cause the Guild to thrive. Each contribution makes a difference!
The AGO is the world's largest organization dedicated to organ and choral music. Our membership dues support only the bare-bones operations of the Guild. NONE of our best programs would be possible without generous donations from people like you and me to funds like the Annual Fund, Endowment Fund, and New Organist Fund.
No gift is too small. If you've never given before, please consider starting out at $5, $10, or more. If you've made a contribution in a previous year, consider renewing or increasing it. And if you have already made a donation this fiscal year, THANK YOU!
You may donate here or send a check to:
AGO Annual Fund
475 Riverside Drive, Suite 1260
New York, NY 10115
Contributions are tax deductible; all donations received by August 31 will be listed in the December issue of The American Organist.
I contribute to the Annual Fund and the Endowment Fund each year, in addition to my contributions to my local chapter's concert series, my region's conventions, and other programs. No one would call me a "major donor" but in these smaller ways I can show support for an organization that I believe truly is doing its best to promote and encourage the activities and instruments I care about. Multiple smaller contributions can add up to a major amount. I encourage all members, and especially all in leadership positions, to join me in considering donating today. Thank you for your careful consideration of this appeal!