Tuesday, October 28, 2008

On-line resources for chapters

An amazing collection of resources that can help your chapter is available on the AGO Headquarters website. Check it out!

Here are some of the offerings. All are free downloads:
  • International Year of the Organ brochure. Throughout this exciting year (June 2008 through June 2009), I hope you will distribute these brochures at all chapter events and other IYO organ events in your community.
  • AGO Membership brochure. Please also have these available at your events, and warmly welcome everyone to join the Guild, in any one of the variety of categories available to organists, singers, conductors, organ enthusiasts, organ builders, and organ friends.
  • International Year of the Organ logos and button templates. Print these on programs; wear the buttons; generate questions about what the IYO and the AGO are all about.
  • Media Relations Handbook. A very helpful resource developed for the IYO but useful whenever your chapter needs to publicize any event.
  • Chapter documents: The Chapter Management Handbook has answers and advice about how a chapter should operate. The on-line forms you'll need, like Officer Report Forms, Dues Report Forms, Membership Renewal and Transfer Forms, are all also here.
  • Other documents. Click on the categories on the right side of the page to access many, many more useful documents.
And while you're at it, check out the information about your regional officers, available to help you, and contact information for your fellow chapters in Region VI, at the Regions and Chapters part of the national website.

Again, it's all FREE of charge. Take advantage of any or all of these helpful resources to make your chapter and its events even more effective!

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