Tuesday, September 27, 2011

A small group of thoughtful people

"A small group of thoughtful people could change the world. Indeed, it's the only thing that ever has."  -- Margaret Mead

Last Thursday I was invited to attend the signing of a proclamation by the Governor of the State of Kansas at the state capitol in Topeka.  Due to the ongoing efforts of a few in the Wichita AGO chapter, October has been proclaimed "Sunflower Organists Month" in Kansas!  See the official proclamation from Governor Sam Brownback, and a photo of the group, below.

Sunflower Organists Month is only one part of a project called the Sunflower Organists Initiative, designed and being implemented by the Wichita chapter.  In this, the state's sesquicentennial year, volunteers from the chapter are making efforts to contact organists in every one of the state's 105 counties, to become better acquainted, to share educational opportunities, and to express mutual appreciation of and enjoyment of music.  The main goal of the project is to increase awareness and appreciation for the organ throughout the state.  They are encouraging all Kansas AGO chapters to stage fun and informative local events for all ages, geared to interest the general public, with some designed especially to introduce young people to the instrument.  If you are a Kansas organist, I encourage you to be a part of the Sunflower Organists Initiative!

As I stood in line with three dedicated volunteers from Wichita, plus members from the Topeka and Greater Kansas City chapters who came to show support, what was most striking to me was what a small group of dedicated volunteers can do.  They came up with an idea, developed it, and followed it through -- because it's important.  And that is the strength of the Guild. 

Each initiative, each chapter meeting, each recital, each convention, each election of officers, each newsletter -- the list goes on and on -- is possible only through the ideas, efforts, and dedication of individual volunteers who work to make these things happen.  We all have contributions of time, talent, and finances that we can make to ensure the success of these efforts.  And when our individual efforts are combined, we can create huge changes!  We can change how the organ as an instrument is viewed by the public.  We can change how many organ programs are offered by our states' educational systems.  We can change the number of organs installed in churches, synagogues, and concert halls.  We can change what the month of October 2011 is called in the state of Kansas.

What can you change, today?

Pictured (L to R):  Roseann Penner Kauffman (Bethel College & Greater Kansas City chapters), Jan Kraybill (Region VI Councillor and Greater Kansas City chapter); Carrol Hassman (Wichita chapter Dean); Governor Sam Brownback; Carolyn Chambers (Wichita chapter Secretary); Sr. Nylas Moser (Wichita chapter Program Co-Chair); Donna Osborne (Topeka chapter Secretary).

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