Sunday, January 13, 2008

Pipe Organ Encounters (POEs)

"The graying of the Guild." Have you heard this expression? It's a fact that our profession is "graying" -- most chapters have many more older than younger members, and sometimes we wonder what will happen with our beloved instrument in the next generation and beyond.

The AGO has great news to share! The Guild's premiere program for youth, Pipe Organ Encounters (POEs), now in its 10th year, has introduced the organ to hundreds of young and new organists, many of whom are planning to, or actively and enthusiastically are, pursuing the organ as a profession.

POEs are summer organ "camps" for young or new organists, typically 4-5 days in length, in which participants enjoy private lessons, workshops, field trips to organ shops and significant instruments, and fun. (For more details, including dates of two POEs which will be held in Region VI in summer 2008, find the link to my January 8 post on POEs, below. There is also information on POEs on the AGO Headquarters website - click here.)
Are you concerned with the "graying of the Guild"? Support the AGO's POE program! You might consider encouraging students you know to attend a POE. You might consider offering a personal or chapter scholarship to help local students with costs. You might consider attending a POE yourself -- the POE+ program is offered for adults. You might consider hosting a POE in 2009 or beyond! The application deadline is March 15, 2008, for POEs in 2009. Find details here, and contact me.
Watch the YouTube video below about the San Francisco POE in 2005, and be motivated by these students' enthusiasm for the King of Instruments! (Video produced by Vic Ferrer Productions, San Francisco © 2008.) On YouTube, one of the comments about this video says, "Great great great video! I've been to 3 POEs now, and they are sooo much fun. it is what really got me into the pipe organ, because I found out what a cool instrument it is, and there are other kids out there who love it too! :)"

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