Tuesday, January 08, 2008

International Year of the Organ

As you probably know, AGO has designated next program year, 2008-09, as the International Year of the Organ. The IYO committee is planning a series of events and national publicity to bring the organ into the public spotlight. The year will kick off with the upcoming 2008 National Convention this summer, and will conclude with events at the 2009 Regional Conventions. Plans include presenting organists on TV shows and other media events, having a “celebrity spokesperson” for the year, inviting 70+ organizations outside the U.S. to participate, and much more.

An important focus of the IYO will be the Organ Spectacular, when on October 19, 2008, AGO chapters will sponsor simultaneous organ events: recitals, concerts, marathons, daytrips, organ crawls, parties, etc. This is an exciting opportunity for your chapter to be in the public eye, with national publicity to support it!

Let's make it a goal for every active AGO chapter in Region VI to sponsor some event for the OrganSpectacular on October 19, 2008. For ideas, access www.agohq.org/events/index.html.

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